Monday, November 8, 2010

The Bible

The Bible. well, It's pretty much the coolest book ever. haha. So I attended my Youth group at Journey church last night, which was awesome, I learned alot. But the sermon was based on the Bible and what came with reading it. Our pastor challenged the ones who would partake to read the bible from cover to cover over the span of 3 months. I feel like I need to partake, though It may be challenging for me. I have read the bible in various areas but never straight through. I am excited to try this out. I think I will learn a whole bunch and really search God out more. I think I will start either in December or January. I will be using this great program to help me get started which is called the, " B90x". And I know what your thinking, " Is that the exercise machine that makes you get into shape? " haha. It is not the exercise machine but a good schedule that can help you keep track of how much scripture to read in 90 days. A great tool! But I just wanted to share my thoughts with you guys about that! Have a blessed day!

Friday, November 5, 2010


So if the title itself isn't cheesey then bring on the nachos cause this is gonna be cheeseeeyyy. lol So My dad's parents are in town this week and I rarely get to see them. The last time I saw them was like...I can't even remember lol. I got a chance to see them tonight and I will see them Sunday afternoon and spend time with them, I'm so looking forward to this. I absolutely loove them:) We usually order some dominios pizza and play chicken foot when they come to visit:) Its the little things in life. haha But having them visit is such an awesome thing, and how blessed am I to have the most amazing family? like If I step back and look at it, I really really love them. It's kind of a shame that I take them for granted and have to have relatives that I hardly ever see to make me realize. But I wouldn't trade anything in the world for them. Anyways, I could go on and on, but you get the point. Anyho, Have a blessed night:)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Glorious Conference

So These past two days, ( Monday and Tuesday) I've been at this Conference called, " Glorious Seminar for Worship Conference 2010" that was held in Durham, NC. And let me tell you, it was awesome. I've been to conference's before but I've never been to one that was based truely on Worship Leading. It was such an amazing opportunity for me, God opened my mind to some things. Things that I would have never taken into consideration are now some of the things I will now look for and I've learned new concepts. I also built stronger relationships between my worship team which was a blessing. What stood out to me the most was probably the Song- Writing class. I have always wanted to write worship songs but never had the courage to really try or start writing a worship song and I think that the class made a real impact on that. Overall not only did I learn lots of cool things and hear amazing worship/speakers such as Brian Doerksen, Katyrn Scott, and Paul Bloshe.;) but I grew a lot closer to our creator! Thought I'd share this. God Bless!